What is Body Language And How Should I Use It

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Every body has its own language, and body language, gestures and meanings may not always be polite. The hand and arm movements, gestures and facial expressions that you use without realizing it, and body language reading techniques give a number of clues about who you are to the other person.
I have listed the movements used by people who are experts in body language and the general body language mistakes they wisely avoid with 10 items below.

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1 – In some environments, a bored posture may not be welcome. For example, the workplace…

This indicates that you are bored and do not want to be in the area where you are. You would never say to your manager or boss, “I don’t understand why I have to listen to you,” but if you have such a hunched over and loose posture, your body language will show it to you loud and clear.

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2 – Exaggerated hand arm movements indicate that he is extending the truth or really moving away. Let’s take care of our hands.

Body language can be used to give a sense of leadership and confidence. To do this, aim for smaller, controlled and minimal movements and use particularly open hand and arm gestures to show that you have nothing to hide. (For example, such as opening your arms or showing your palms.)

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3 – Looking at the clock multiple times while talking to someone. It’s not a pleasant situation.

If you ask how to disrespect body language, then this is the clearest expression of disrespect, impatience and swollen ego. This is the most extreme indication that you have much more important things to do than talking to the other person and that you are looking forward to leaving his side immediately. Use your body language for more useful work. To deserve respect, it is necessary to respect, no matter what. Instead of making the other person feel this way, try openly telling him that you have another job.

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4 – To turn in another direction during a conversation, to look.

Not turning to talk may indicate that you are indifferent to the person talking, that you feel uncomfortable, or even that you don’t care about him. It may be a body language that can be used to send a subliminal message to a subject that you are extremely uncomfortable with, but still, this type of behavior will put you in a little status. If someone you care about is talking, you need to make sure that you listen to them by looking into their eyes.

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5 – The contradiction between the sentences you Decipher and your facial expressions.

This contradiction causes people to think that something is not true and can create the perception that you are trying to lie to them, even if they do not know why and how. For example, when trying to convince a person or trying to reach an agreement; a loud, angry, instant answer or an inappropriate smile creates a feeling of insecurity and leaves question marks in the other person’s head.

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6 – Excessive and unwarranted head shaking reveals approval anxiety.

This may mean that you don’t really understand the topic being discussed, or that you are trying to convince the other person to fudge the topic. Preferably it will be more convincing to choose a more detailed dialogue.

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7 – Avoiding eye contact.
This act causes you to become the target of skeptical approaches, as if you have something to hide. Not making eye contact when talking to the other person, looking at the floor represents a lack of self-confidence and greatly reduces the degree of impact of the topic you are talking about on the other person. Constant eye contact shows you as a stronger and more confident character. This is a smart and easy method. Take your note on the list of things that you definitely need to apply.

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8 – Weak or too tight handshakes.

Weak handshakes give a feeling of lack of authority, insecurity and insincerity. On the contrary, too tight a handshake can also lead to an overly dominant and aggressive dialogue. In fact, both are equally bad effects.That’s why it might be better to adjust your handshake according to the friendliness and authoritative posture you have towards each person. But be careful! In any case, do not let it be either too loose or too stiff. Don’t be afraid to hold people’s hands, it doesn’t make you weak, on the contrary, it makes the other person trust you more.

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9 – Roll your eyes.

Although this is a habit, it is a negative behavior that can and should definitely be controlled. This is evidence of a person’s lack of a high degree of respect.

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10 – Ignoring what is said.

In any environment, when dealing with something or talking to someone, instead of ignoring a question that comes to you, it is a more positive behavior to make a sign that you will return to that person or make him feel that you will answer him with a single word later. And that makes you not feel insignificant. An opposing attitude can cause the other person to attach other meanings to this behavior, even if it is momentary.

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