Interesting Fears of Famous Names Who Have Left Their Mark on History


What do clowns, spiders and snakes have in common? These three things, which seem to be completely independent of each other, are the greatest fears of millions of people in the world! Of course, there are other things that a lot of people are afraid of. It’s like height or public speaking. However, considering the things that some of the names that have guided human history have been afraid of, all these modern horror elements seem quite ordinary. Because some of the world-famous historical figures were afraid of open doors, some of them were afraid of insomnia! Here are the interesting fears of the names that have left their mark on history.

1. The Byzantine Emperor Heraclius did not like water!

So much so that according to a hundred-year-old rumor, he could not cross from one side of Istanbul to the other until a bridge was built!

2. Genghis Khan‘s biggest fear was dogs

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Interesting fears of celebrities1

Defeating the crowded enemy armies was child’s play for him. Bloody battles are the biggest fun! The Mongolian ruler Genghis Khan is referred to as one of the harshest leaders in history. But a rumor suggests that Genghis Khan was too afraid of dogs to approach them.

3. Napoleon Bonaparte was afraid of open doors

The French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte is among the leaders who have shaped modern times with his victories and political actions on the battlefields.Dec. But there was something that this brave and successful soldier was afraid of too! Moreover, Napoleon’s greatest fear was very interesting. This great leader who guided history was afraid of open doors!

So much so that anyone who wanted to meet with him had to pass through an extremely narrow December (Napoleon did not allow the door of the room he was in to be opened completely) and quickly close the door. In addition, a rumor about Napoleon being afraid of cats was also very popular.

4. Hans Christian Andersen could not bear the thought of being buried alive!

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Interesting fears of celebrities2

What the Danish literary scholar Hans Christian Andersen is afraid of seems quite reasonable considering the fears of other celebrities on our list. Andersen’s greatest fear was to be buried alive!

This interesting fear of the famous writer was so severe that he could not sleep without putting a piece of paper with “I just look dead” written on it on his bedside so that they would not think he was dead. On the other hand, there were other things that Andersen was seriously afraid of. First of all, there was fire and dogs.

5. for the French theater actress Sarah Bernhardt, who achieved great fame at the end of the 1800s, there was nothing worse than being abandoned!

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Interesting fears of celebrities3

The French star, who was Decried as one of the first famous actors in the history of the world, was abandoned by his family when he was just a child. For this reason, the fear of abandonment has haunted the iconic name for the rest of his life.

6. Salvador Dali hated grasshoppers

The greatest genius of abstract painting was afraid of all types of insects in general. But when it came to locusts, his fear and hatred also endured!

7. Katharine Hepburn’s fear was quite ironic: The Audience

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Interesting fears of celebrities4

Yes, Katharine Hepburn, considered one of the most famous and successful film and theater actresses in history, was afraid of audiences and performing in front of crowds! This fear made it almost impossible for him to complete some theater plays and caused him to get sick on stage.

8. American singer Aretha Franklin was caught up in a severe fear of flying. And only in one night!

9. French sculptor Louise Bourgeois’s worst nightmare was being sleep deprived!

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Interesting fears of celebrities5

Besides, this was not the only fear that the famous sculptor had. In his own words, Bourgeois was also terribly afraid of silence, darkness, falling and a feeling of emptiness.

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