Setting a Life Course Setting Priorities and Goals in Life


What do we want in life?

What is our purpose?

What do we want to achieve?

What do we want to spend our precious time striving for?

How difficult is it to answer? The answer to all these questions lies within ourselves and expresses our purpose and goals in life. However, sometimes we prefer to live without thinking about these questions. When this happens, the wind blows us away and we get lost. The place we arrive at may not satisfy us. “What am I living for?” rings in our ears. When we don’t know our goal, we cannot decide on the path to it. If we determine the path, we find it difficult to take our steps. When the route is not clear, it is much easier to get off the road and a lifetime can drag on like this.

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Setting Goals1

In this article, I would like to explore your life route together. What are your priorities in life? What is the point you want to reach? How can you reach your goals? Shall we take a look at our two-step application that will answer all these questions together?

Step 1: Setting Priorities

The first thing we need to do to achieve our goals is to determine which of our aspirations are prioritized. When there is uncertainty and indecision, it is difficult to take action. So start by setting your priorities. For this, I recommend a small app.


First, close your eyes and breathe in and out deeply. Imagine yourself in your favorite place. Then imagine yourself as you are many years later. After all these years and time, you have had a full life. Think about it; what did you enjoy doing the most in that time? What did you feel proud of yourself for achieving? What do you feel lucky to have? Write down the answers to these questions.

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Setting Goals2

The second step is to imagine yourself in a place you love again, but this time as you are now. You have just learned that you have a rare disease with no symptoms. In 6 months you will die. How do you want to spend these 6 months? What would you like to change? What would you prefer to do? Write down your answers.

Now compare your answers to these two questions. Notice their similarities and differences. List all your answers and create a list of priorities, starting with the most important item. The items at the top of the list show us your priorities. They express the areas of your life that you value and want to change.

Now that we have identified your priorities, we can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Create a Goal Chart

Now that we have identified your priorities, it’s time to act on them. Whatever your priority; family, work, friendship, personal development, home, travel, productivity, health, material things…

If we don’t take action for it, there is no possibility of achieving our goal. In order to achieve a goal, we must not only want it, but also be able to take responsibility for taking action.
To realize our priority, we can start by setting short-term goals. Then we can set medium-term and finally long-term goals and plan how we can achieve them in a timely manner.

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Setting Goals3


Put pen to paper.

First we will set short-term goals. Short-term goals are what we can do for our priority for the next few weeks. Ask yourself: What can I do for my priorities in the next few days or weeks? Write down the answer to your question.

As a second step, we will set medium-term goals. Medium-term goals indicate what steps we can take in the next few months. Ask yourself: What can I do for my priorities in the next few months? Write down the answer.

Finally, we will set long-term goals. Long-term goals refer to what we can do in 5 years to achieve our priority. Ask yourself: What can I do for my priorities in the next 5 years? Write down your long-term goals.


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Setting Goals4

Maria’s Priority List:

Spending more time with my family
Enjoying time with friends/traveling
Finding a job in the sector I want
Staying healthy by staying at my ideal weight

Short-term goals:

  • I can go on a picnic with my family next weekend. I can stay with them in the evening.
  • Have a movie night with my friends.
  • I can look at job advertisements in the sector I want to work in and find out what the criteria are.
  • I can go for a walk when I have time this week.

Medium-term goals:

  • I can move in with my family on my annual leave and spend my vacation with them.
  • I can ask a close friend if she wants to go on vacation with me next month. I can plan my vacation.
  • I can enroll in a course to learn the knowledge I lack for the job I want. I can complete what I lack.
  • I can pay attention to my diet as well as walking twice a week.

Long-term goals:

  • Move my house to a neighborhood closer to my family so I can spend more time with them after work.
  • I can go on a trip abroad with my best friend.
    I can follow the advertisements for the job I want and apply for it.
  • I can reach companies by e-mailing them myself.
  • I can join a gym close to home and do sports regularly.

You can set your goal chart by creating short, medium and long term plans. In this way, you will determine your route in advance and take safe steps forward.

I hope it works for you, I wish you healthy days where you reach your goals.

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