Anger control is a part of emotional intelligence and is very important to prevent negative consequences and protect relationships. Here are four tips you can use for anger management:
- Breathe Deeply: In a moment of anger, breathing deeply and slowly can help you calm down. Taking deep breaths can help calm your nervous system and prevent your anger from rising quickly.
- Save Time: Instead of reacting suddenly when you are angry, save some time. Instead of reacting quickly, take time to reflect on the event and express your emotional reaction in a more controlled way.

- Empathize: When you’re angry, it’s important to try to understand the other person’s perspective. Having empathy can help you react in a more balanced way emotionally. When you understand the other party’s point of view, the intensity of your anger may decrease.
- Find a Healthy Way Out: Instead of internalizing or suppressing your anger, find a healthy way out. Methods such as playing sports, meditating, writing in a daily diary can help you manage your anger in a healthier way.

Remember that every individual is different, and anger management methods may vary depending on personal preferences and the situation. If you are having difficulties with anger management, it may be useful to get the help of a psychologist or counselor.