What Happens If You Fall On An Escalator

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Escalator 1

Although we know that the probability of an accident happening to us is very low, escalators can still make most people a little nervous. The biggest reason for his anxiety is the idea of falling into this machine in a possible accident and dying catastrophically. And examples of this can be seen on the Internet from time to time.
Are the escalators that make our lives easier really so dangerous, or are they safer than they think?

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Escalator 2

Before the scenario of being pulled and swallowed by the gears, let’s first talk about another danger.

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Escalator 13
  • in 1987, escalators were responsible for a very serious fire on the London Underground. It turned out that such things as feathers, pieces of paper, garbage seeping through the gaps next to them have accumulated over the years, forming a total of 8,800 kg of waste.
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Escalator 3

These were old-style escalators with wooden steps. The fire started because someone dropped a match while lighting a cigarette, and the growing fire decently splashed on the layers of paint on the walls. The fire grew so fast that it was impossible to escape; 31 people died, 100 were injured.

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Escalator 4
  • the deadly incident in China in 2015 was on the agenda all over the world.
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A woman who was using the escalator with her child lost her life by getting caught in gear as a result of the collapse of the panel. Meanwhile, the woman managed to save her child by pushing Decently at the last moment.
It turned out that there were no warnings on the escalators, and no one told the woman that she should not use them. Before this incident, it had turned out that two workers had almost shared the same fate in the same place.

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Escalator 7

There is a large set of gears under each end of the escalator.

These have a traction force that can pull even a car into it. If he inhales it, he will first crush your legs, then crush your chest and heart and kill you instantly. If you’re lucky, you’ll experience this after you pass out from shock. This is a situation that will happen in just a few seconds.

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Escalator 8

If you are unlucky, the gears and motors will jam and you will only be crushed up to your hip, so that the upper part of your body will remain relatively still active. You will bleed to death, but your time of death will be longer. This is a form of death that no one would want, because your nervous system would still be active.

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According to media reports, such accidents happen a lot in China.

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Another danger on escalators is the possibility of suddenly going backwards. In another incident in China, an escalator suddenly started going backwards very quickly, dropping people on top of it in waves. A child was crushed to death under falling people, 30 people were injured.

It turned out that there were three terrible accidents in a week in China. Some lost their legs, some lost their arms. In one year, there were 49 accidents and 37 people died. Because of these traumatic events, some Chinese are very afraid of escalators, interesting images appear.

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Escalator 10

In fact, accidents don’t just happen in China. In the US, there are 10,000 injuries on escalators in just one year. The types of injuries include skull, hip, rib fractures, broken teeth and Decayed faces.

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Escalator 12

In this accident in Rome, things went wrong when at least 100 people suddenly got on the escalators.

The reason for this intensity was an important football match, there was an intensity of fans. Dozens of people were injured when the escalator suddenly began to descend very quickly, fortunately, no one died.

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Is there any chance you’ll get stuck in the part where you step from the step to the floor?

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In fact, the steps are made serrated. Thus, both the shoes do not slip and slippery substances such as water do not accumulate on the steps. Waste such as garbage and paper is also prevented from escaping inside. If it were flat, objects such as paper would stick to the step and the inside of the escalator would easily become entangled, damaging the gears.

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Escalator 15

However, there is a possibility that you will get stuck on the escalator.

  • in 2015, a woman in Canada lost the scarf around her neck on the escalator while going down to the subway. When he bent down to take it off, this time he grabbed her hair. When she couldn’t remove the scarf from her neck, she suffocated to death. there was no one at the time of the drowning, which lasted 5 minutes.
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There have been many cases of suffocation due to compression of clothing. According to a man who witnessed one of these incidents, a man lost his clothes on the escalator, and then he lost his face, and the man’s head was split open.

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So pay attention to your scarf, hair, laces!

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It is also important to remember that there is a danger in everything. According to the accidents that happened, if we had to move, we wouldn’t be able to get in the car or in the elevator. Remember that all these accidents happen extremely rarely, so no one needs to be paranoid.

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Of course, it is very important for manufacturers to produce much better machines in all areas and carry out regular maintenance. Because such accidents are caused by negligence rather than carelessness.

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