The 10 Most Common Things That Waste Our Time


The place of the concept of time in our lives, of course, is indisputable. Therefore, the choices we make in time management are very important. It is a fact that especially successful people are very meticulous about time management. But, unfortunately, many people do not take their time very well, in other words, they waste it. So what do we spend our time doing? Here, we touch on the actions that steal our time the most..

1) Poor use of Facebook

It is known that there are more than 80 million fake accounts on Facebook. Even just this figure shows that people waste their time as if it has no value.

Facebook 2023 1
Facebook 2023 1

It would be quite useful if you try not to check Facebook more than twice a day. It is also valid on other social media accounts. It will be enough to spend 15 minutes a day.

Facebook 1
Facebook 1

2) Poor use of television

Sitting in front of the TV for hours is the most time-consuming action in the world. The vast majority of people prefer to watch TV instead of reading books.

Television 1
Television 1

It has been found that 4 million adults in the UK have never read a book for this reason.

Television 2023
Television 2023

3) Talking about others

Gossip 2023
Gossip 2023

Do you realize that when you talk about other people’s lives, you’re stealing from your own? No second spent talking negatively about someone can be brought back.


4) Getting into pointless discussions


Isn’t it easy to get caught up in an argument? Because we all think that we are usually right and will never be wrong. Unfortunately, the more pointless discussions drag on, the more we lose.

Discuss 2023
Discuss 2023

5) Making unnecessary phone calls

By Phone Talk
By Phone Talk

This is quite difficult to measure. After all, any phone call has the potential to be important, but it’s entirely up to you to understand it and make a decision. When you have important things to do, you need to prioritize.

By Phone Talk 2023
By Phone Talk 2023

6) Spending a lot of time in shopping centers

Shopping Mall 2023
Shopping Mall 2023

Dividing the time you spend in a shopping mall into more important, larger tasks will allow you to manage your time better. Shopping via the Internet is an effective solution to this problem.

Shopping Mall
Shopping Mall

7) Playing video games for long hours

To Play A Game
To Play A Game

Playing games can be a need for everyone up to a point. But if it is not part of your work or does not bring you anything, it will be more useful if you do not overdo it.

To Play A Game 2023
To Play A Game 2023

8) Follow the magazine

Magazine News 2023
Magazine News 2023

Instead of the time you spend following the private lives of celebrities, you can engage in activities that will contribute to your own happiness and well-being.

Magazine News 1
Magazine News 1

9) Continuing relationships that don’t work

Bad Relationship
Bad Relationship

Let’s dig a little deeper. Continuing a relationship with a person with whom you are not compatible is nothing but a waste of time. Sometimes people are afraid to end their long relationship, which is not going very well. Every postponed day will add regret to your regret.

Bad Relationship 2023
Bad Relationship 2023

10) Going after a hated career

Bad Career 2023
Bad Career 2023

There are few things worse than pursuing a career that doesn’t interest you. The sooner you change your career path, the better. Because after 5-10 years, you may not even have a chance to return.

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