During menstruation, our skin is more sensitive than usual. Not only is it sensitive, it is also paler; unpleasant changes such as blemishes and tonal unevenness have appeared. Our under-eyes are slightly purple. Our hair is a little duller or too greasy. If it’s not enough that our hands and feet are swollen and we feel emotionally fragile, when we look in the mirror, we feel completely demoralized.
The reason for all this is changing hormones. Especially estrogen hormone is effective in keeping our skin fresh and supple, but it is at a low level during menstruation. Just before menstruation, oil and sebum production increases in the skin and this situation invites acne. Because the pores enlarge, can easily fill with dirt and turn into pimples. Therefore, it is important for both our skin and our mood to take extra care of our skin during this period.
Isn’t a positive mood during menstruation the key to a more comfortable period? A good skincare regimen during both PMS and periods is what we need to relax, lift our mood and prevent the appearance of acne. Don’t we want that? Of course we do! Of course we prefer this instead of disconnecting from life, withdrawing, being unhappy and stressed because of our skin. Here are a few ways to take good care of your skin during your period:
1- Pay close attention to skin cleansing. Clean your skin in the morning and evening with a cleanser suitable for your skin type and then with tonic. Apply your moisturizer on top. Pay close attention to skin cleansing!

2- For an in-depth skin cleansing, you can get support from skin care devices that clean the face and apply a firming massage process while doing so. Because manual cleaning may not be enough. Such devices should not be hard and scratch the face, they should be made of soft bristles or silicone-like soft material. Compared to hand washing, you will clean your skin more thoroughly. It can remove dead skin, makeup residues, dirt and oil.
3- During your period, you can also do skin care therapy from your bed. There are delightful sheet masks and facial therapy devices for this.
Imagine, you don’t have to get out of bed, but your skin is moisturized and tightened.
4- You can use an acne-fighting product as soon as you feel that acne is starting to form. Or you can clean your face with antiseptic solution every day. Because the situation is very critical after the pimples make themselves known. Either it passes or it gets worse without you realizing it.

Never squeeze pimples!
5- Sunbathing is not a good idea because your skin sensitivity increases during menstruation. Likewise, heavy makeup and foundation application makes it difficult for the skin to breathe and accelerates acne formation.
But a light make-up can also lift your mood. Don’t forget this!
6- During this period, it is better to avoid foods that will cause oil and deterioration in your skin. For example, salty foods such as seeds, pickles, chips; fatty foods such as french fries, hamburgers; alcohol, coffee… (the hardest thing for me is to stay away from coffee)
7- Of course, the golden rule is to drink plenty of water. Thus, you will remove toxins from the body and get rid of your swelling to some extent. Potassium-rich foods are also beneficial for the skin.

8- Eyes require a separate care. Because wrinkles around the eyes may become more pronounced during this period. So make sure that the eye area stays moisturized.
You can also use a little trick and use an under-eye concealer that makes your eyes look bright.
Don’t forget to check out our other articles. Have a happy day.