A new outbreak in 82 children in India has alarmed the whole world. This disease, called tomato flu, was detected for the first time in the Kollam region of India. Almost all of the children who have been infected with the disease so far are under the age of 5.

According to the medical journal The Lancet; the disease is called tomato flu because it causes large red blisters on the body. So what are the symptoms of tomato flu, what is the source of the disease? Let’s look at the details together.

According to the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, Tomato flu is a “highly contagious” disease, although it is not life-threatening

In the same journal where the disease was described for the first time, it was stated that tomato flu causes the same symptoms as coronavirus, but has nothing to do with SARS-COV-2.

There is no exact information about which virus causes this disease. But research continues. According to scientists, this disease can be caused by chikungunya or dengue fever, rather than a new virus.

Scientists noted that the so-called “Tomato flu” of the new disease can lead to negative consequences

Because because of this quality, some people may believe that the disease is transmitted from tomatoes. On the other hand, as with the coronavirus pandemic, diseases that have just begun to appear can cause panic in people. Therefore, experts believe that people need to be given more detailed and clear information about the disease.

According to the initial determinations, the risk of transmitting the disease to children is higher

Experts note that viral infections are more common among children Decently. The Decembrists note that viral infections are more common among children. Because children are in closer contact than adults. The disease is also transmitted through close contact.

On the other hand, Tomato flu; It is stated that it shows similarities with hand, foot and mouth disease. Therefore, if the epidemic is not brought under control, the disease can also easily spread among adults Decently.

What Are The Symptoms Of Tomato Flu?
It is known that tomato flu especially affects adults and children with low immune systems. Among the most common symptoms Decayed in children are high fever, rash and joint pain. These symptoms are similar to Chinkungunya.

On the other hand, symptoms such as body pain, fatigue and fever resemble the symptoms of Covid-19. Other symptoms include diarrhea, nausea and joint swelling. These also resemble dengue fever.

How Is He Being Treated?
Patients who show these symptoms are given various tests. For example, such as the zika virus, dengue fever, Chinkungunya and herpes. However, there are no drugs or vaccines to treat tomato flu. Doctors recommend “isolation” to prevent the spread of the disease. On the other hand, the best solution to prevent the transmission of the disease is to follow the rules of hygiene.