History is full of extremely terrible, sad and disturbing events! Joe Metheny is also a serial killer who adds new ones to the terrible events in history! But Metheny is killer enough to push the boundaries of fear and evil! Because this cruel man is famous for making hamburgers from the corpses of people he killed and selling them to others! Moreover, he is a man who never regrets this. Here are the “blood-curdling” details you need to know about Joe Metheny, one of the most interesting and terrifying serial killers in history, who made and sold hamburgers from the flesh of his victims…
Joe Metheny was born in the United States in 1955

Metheny lost his father at a very young age. In subsequent years, he claimed that he had a neglected and difficult childhood, although his inner circle denied this. Despite this, Metheny was a very intelligent student. During his teenage years, he served in the army for some time. However, in the 1970s, for some unknown reason, he moved away from his home, family and friends. During this time, he began to live on the streets and in homeless camps.
in 1994, he became Joe “cannibal” Metheny!
the year 1994 was the year when this terrible serial killer began his murders! Metheny, who was working as a truck driver at the time, found out when he returned home one day that his girlfriend had left him and had taken their children with her. That’s why she got very angry and started looking for her lover to kill him! Joe Metheny couldn’t find his girlfriend that night! But under a deserted bridge, he encountered two homeless men, unaware of everything! The unfortunate men were brutally murdered by Metheny, an extremely large and frightening person! Metheny dismembered the bodies of the first victims on the scene! This incident was the first of the murders that would lead to the birth of a terrible serial killer.

Joe Metheny’s victims in 1995 were women named Cathy Ann Magaziner and Kimberly Spicer! This terrible killer was working at a pallet factory that year. He also lived in a trailer that he parked next to the factory where he worked! Here, in this caravan, he also killed unfortunate women at different times! In a statement to the police after his capture, he explained that he had slaughtered the women in all their details and with great pleasure. But a different ending awaited Magaziner and Spicer than Methney’s other victims. Because the killer killer had dismembered the bodies of two women and frozen part of them. The reason was that he wanted to make hamburgers out of corpses! Metheny activated this disgusting and insane request and cooked the meat of his victims on the barbecue stand! And he sold it to others! After he was captured, he very coolly confessed to this terrible incident. He even said that the taste of human flesh is so similar to the taste of pork that it is almost impossible to distinguish it!

The incident that led to the capture of the terrible serial killer occurred in 1996
Joe Metheny was determined to continue his murders in 1996! Therefore, he tried to kill a woman named Rita Kemper in the trailer, where he had previously killed two women. However, things didn’t go the way Metheny wanted! Kemper managed to escape. Metheny, on the other hand, could not catch the woman because of her large size. Kemper took refuge at a nearby gas station. A short time later, Joe Metheny was caught by the cops.
The killer’s statements were followed with horror and bewilderment by the entire public, especially the police

Because Metheny was joyfully and proudly describing all the details of the terrible murders he committed, without showing any signs of remorse. How he killed the women who were convinced to bring the van, how he killed them before brutally beating you, how their bodies were dismembered and returned, then the other one… how to cook it with meat and, briefly, how to mix it, Metheny explained, even more terrible than it seemed by the testimony he gave with his own mouth that he was a murderous man.
One of the most important details revealed in the testimonies was the number of Metheny’s victims

Because by that time, Metheny had already been associated with the murders of two homeless men in 1994 and two women in 1995! But he admitted that he brutally killed many more people! the night he killed two homeless men in 1994, he had killed 3 more people in just 7 hours! Metheny said in a statement that these 3 people loaded weights on their bodies and threw them into a nearby river! However, these bodies have never been found. Therefore, Metheny was not held responsible for 3 murders. However, at the end of the investigation, it became clear that the person named Toni Ingrassia was also killed by Joe Metheny.

Joe Metheny was sentenced to death on July 24, 2000
However, later this sentence was changed to life imprisonment. Joe Metheny, who spent the last 22 years of his life in prison, was found dead in his cell in August 2018. This terrible serial killer confessed to killing 9 people in total! But he was found guilty of only 3 murders. Because no evidence has been found about the other murders he confessed to. On the other hand, discussions about Metheny’s terrible actions continue even today! Some believe that Metheny killed many more people! However, there are also those who think that Metheny exaggerated the number of people he killed to “brag”. On the other hand, the date Metheny began his gruesome murders, 1994. That is, the officially known date! However, there are also those who claim that the terrible murders committed by Metheny date back to 1976.