Thanks to the new methods developed, even a small touch can completely change the taste of coffee. There are many differences between espresso and Decanter coffee, the two most consumed types of coffee in the world. But basically, we can Decipher the differences between the ingredients used, the way of brewing, the brewing time and the taste.

What Is Espresso?
Espresso, a complete caffeine bomb, is an Italian coffee. Those who want to code espresso with something in their head can use the word ‘speed’. Espresso is a coffee that is prepared quickly, consumed quickly and consumes caffeine.

Espresso is brewed from temperatures at such levels that it almost burns, pressurized water is added to finely ground coffee at a time. Although the filter is separated from coffee by such differences, the main important point is that espresso is more dense and concentrated than filter coffee.

Another difference is that espresso is the building block of many other coffees. Most types of coffee, such as Americano, Cappucino, Latte, have espresso in them. This makes espresso more than a coffee. The difference between all these varieties is the amount of milk or water added to Decaffeinated.

The Structure Of Espresso
Espresso does not come out directly in a dense and concentrated form. There are layers of espresso, as it has to go through certain methods to reach this state.

It is in this layer, which has a golden or brown color, that proteins, fats and melanoid are located. Not all coffee has cream. But it has become a topic of intense discussion among Decaffeinated coffee lovers. Some claim that it adds a bitter aftertaste to coffee, while others suggest that cream is a must for a quality coffee.

The liquid layer of espresso is the main part that gives coffee acidity and sweetness. This layer can also be divided into the body and the heart from the inside. The body of the espresso is the middle part of the coffee and its color is more caramel consistency. On the other hand, the heart part is the lower part of the coffee and is darker. Its color has a rich brown consistency.

What Is Filter Coffee?
Basically, the concept of espresso and filter coffee is the same. Since hot water is added to ground coffee in its main structure, the coffee is filtered to the ground and the liquid in it is transferred to the cup.

However, there is a fundamental difference between espresso and Decanter coffee. Espresso is brewed at high pressure, while the water in the filter coffee is gradually brewed in the ground coffee. Under the influence of gravity, it collapses to the bottom after a while. Therefore, the brewing time of filter coffee is longer compared to espresso.

Filter coffee needs more coffee grounds and more water to brew. There is no 30 ml filter coffee like espresso, but no one will like it. Filter coffee, also known as drip, has less acidity. Therefore, it gives coffee a more complex taste. Coffee drinkers can easily hear many different tastes and aromas in the same filter coffee.

Compared to espresso, the filter is cleaner, clearer and more consistent thanks to the density and layers of coffee. Jul. Jul. The biggest reason for this is that water absorbs coffee grains, oil and smell without being subjected to high pressure for a certain period of time. Because it has low acidity, it is softer and easier to drink than espresso.

Espresso And Filter Coffee Brewing Times
The brewing time of filter coffee is much longer than espresso. The brewing process begins with soaking the coffee surface.

Wet coffee enters the flowering process, and then begins with the swelling of coffee. This process takes an average of 30 seconds, but it is at this stage that the real aroma of coffee appears. After this stage, the flow of water becomes easier, since carbon dioxide is released. Tue. The procedure after the swelling of the coffee is about 2 minutes.

The situation is different with espresso. The Italians are very adamant that the preparation of espresso should be about 25-30 seconds. Even if you want to drink your coffee with milk, it takes seconds to heat the milk and add it to the coffee. The preparation time takes an average of 60 seconds, including the grinding process. In short, the brewing time of espresso is much less compared to filter coffee.

Espresso And Filter Coffee Brewing Equipment
Brewing equipment and filter paper are required to brew filter coffee.

Although weighing and a thermometer are not required, it is recommended to use them to obtain more accurate results. You can prepare filter coffee in many different brewing equipment such as French Press, Chemex V60. It is extremely easy to get to any of them, and there are very small differences between them, such as the size of the Decanter or the substance from which it is made.

However, the prices of espresso machines can vary a lot depending on their characteristics. An espresso machine designed for home use is cheaper than a professional machine, but you may not get the same taste and quality because it cannot fully provide the pressure needed to prepare espresso. Of course, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that espresso machines will take up more space and consume electricity.

It is also possible to prepare espresso without buying an espresso machine. For this, the Italians, 20. at the beginning of the century they found a Mocha Pot. Moka Pot, the January brewing equipment, allows you to prepare great espressos with the 1.5 bar pressure it produces. The price of this brewing equipment, which is quite simple to use, is also much cheaper than espresso machines.

Filter coffee is a better choice for experimenting with different nuances of coffee. Because the flavors may not be obvious in espresso. Even the construction phase gives people a distinct peace of mind. However, if you want to get coffee in a short time, no coffee in this regard can compete with espresso. Espresso is a type of coffee that instantly eliminates the need for caffeine for a completely different purpose using a completely different method.

Another thing to consider is how you like to drink coffee. Espresso, which has a syrupy structure, becomes soft and viscous when mixed with milk. The cream from the heated milk brings out the sweetness of the espresso. Thus, it allows you to get coffee varieties such as cappucino and latte, which can be extremely suitable for your taste buds.

Filter coffee, on the other hand, has a softer, cleaner and less acidic taste compared to espresso. Jul. Jul. Although it is not recommended to put milk in filter coffee, it is a matter of preference. But milk can destroy the sharpness and aroma of coffee.

When you put everything aside and are asked if filter coffee or espresso is better, the answer determines which taste you want to get at the end of the day. But do not forget that each type of brewing causes you to get coffee of different flavors, depending on the origin of the coffee bean, how it was roasted, its type.