10 Things We Can Do For Our World

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What can we do to make it a better year, to make life in the world better?

1- Minimize the use of plastic or even completely stop if possible.

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a better world 1

2- Eat seasonally. Compost vegetable and fruit waste, feed the soil.

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a better world 2

3- Choose products that do not test on animals.

4- Dispose of wastes harmful to nature such as batteries, frying oil, cigarettes, plastics into appropriate garbage. Don’t forget that plastic is poisoning the soil and the ocean.

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a better world 3

5- Reduce the purchase. Instead, renew, evaluate, return. Give second-hand products a chance.

6- Reduce carbon emissions. For example, walk or ride a bicycle instead of driving a car.

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a better world 4

7- Don’t waste water, electricity. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth, taking a shower. Use a low-volt light bulb. Pull the plug out when it’s not working.

8- Prefer neighborhood Sundays, neighborhood shops. Slow food is my philosophy of nutrition and life.

9- Be vegan against the meat industry that causes nature destruction and animal exploitation.

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a better world 5

10- Be more compassionate and helpful. Donate if you can, volunteer to make the world a better place.

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a better world 6

Inform your family, children, friends, in short, your closest ones about all these issues.

By the way, let me offer you a documentary.

Kiss the Ground (2020): This documentary, which you can watch on Netflix, tells you what we can do against the climate crisis on a land-based basis. Both with the presentation of Woody Harrelson and in a pleasant and immersive way.

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