10 Possible Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight


You’ve been on diets and exercising, but you can’t lose weight. You lose a few pounds and then immediately gain them back. Clothes are a bit tight, pants are difficult to close. This world is too small for you. There is no need to worry right away. Because sometimes we can’t lose weight and there are various reasons for this. Wrong diets, not wanting it enough, not moving enough.

Now I will tell you about the possible reasons why you cannot lose weight. In order to lose weight, do not forget to drink plenty of water during the day, move frequently, sleep well, and avoid stress. Most importantly, love yourself despite everything. Let’s start looking at the possible reasons for not losing weight!

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1- Not exercising regularly and enough. You should include fat-burning and shaping exercises in your life every day.

2- Not getting enough sleep. Because if we don’t get enough sleep, we need energy during the day and we tend to get it from food.

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3- Large portions. If you eat more than you burn, this can lead to weight gain.

4- Eating only 3 meals. Instead, you should eat little and often, 3 main meals and 2 snacks.

5- Taking unnecessary calories by saying that nothing happens once. For example, paying attention during the week and quitting the diet at the weekend.

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6- Eating when stressed. Thinking that a caloric dessert will be good for you when you are stressed.

7- Being impatient and doing shock diets for this reason. Losing weight is healthier if it progresses slowly and steadily.

8- Consuming too many diet products. There is sugar in some diet products and consuming them as diet anyway can make it difficult to lose weight.

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9- Being fooled by the scale. Sometimes it looks like you are not losing weight on the scale, but your body is getting thinner. You may be gaining muscle while losing fat.

10- The reason for not losing weight may be medical. For this, it is necessary to get help from a specialized doctor.

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