Amazing Facts About Landmarks in Europe That Few People Know


Considering that the European continent is a very ancient settlement, it should not be surprising that it is full of fascinating monuments and historical monuments. Most people have basic knowledge about these landmarks, which annually welcome millions of tourists. But there are also interesting facts that few of us know about. What are they? Come now, let’s learn together what is unknown about the landmarks in Europe.

1- Jews were forbidden to pass under the Arch of Titus

Arch Of Titus
Arch Of Titus

Most of the famous landmarks in Europe were built to commemorate military victories or immortalize the names of emperors. Perhaps the most important of these structures is the Arch of Titus, built by the Roman Empire to commemorate its victories over the Jews.

Arch Of Titus 2
Arch Of Titus 2

After the Arch of Titus was built, the Jews in Rome saw the arch as an insult to themselves. However, because they were afraid of losing their Jewish status, they issued an edict prohibiting any Jew from walking under the Arch of Titus. This ban, which was taken very seriously by the Jews at that time, lasted until 1997.

Arch Of Titus 3
Arch Of Titus 3

2- The construction of La Sagrada Familia Church is still not completed

There are many magnificent churches that adorn the European landscape. But few of them have such a stunning story as the Church of La Sagrada Familia, which means “The Holy Family”, in Barcelona.

La Sagrada Familia Church
La Sagrada Familia Church

19 To its construction. la Sagrada Familia, which was started in the XVIII century, has not yet been completed, although it has received the status of a basilica.

La Sagrada Familia Church 2
La Sagrada Familia Church 2

When Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi designed the church, he thought of it as having 18 towers, each of which would represent important Christian figures. Of these, 12 were for the apostles, 4 for the heralds, 1 for the Virgin Mary and another for Jesus Christ. However, today the church has 8 towers.

La Sagrada Familia Church 3
La Sagrada Familia Church 3

3- It takes an average of 100 days to see each work of art in the Louvre


Paris is considered the cultural center of Europe. This situation is actually due to the Louvre Museum, which has one of the most extensive collections in the world.

Louvre 2022
Louvre 2022

If we make an average calculation, it takes almost 100 days to visit the entire Louvre Museum when we consider that a visitor devotes 30 seconds to each work of art.

Louvre 2023
Louvre 2023

4- There is a small apartment at the top of the Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower was the tallest building in the world at the time of its construction. One of the first buildings that comes to mind when you think of Paris, this tower is visited by millions of people every year. But there is more about him than we see!

Eiffel Tower 2
Eiffel Tower 2

Gustave Eiffel, the design engineer, was responsible for the construction of the 3. he had an apartment built on his floor. Although many rich people made offers to him to rent this exclusive place, he refused them all and continued to use this place as his own little refuge. It is known that Gustave Eiffel invited his friends here to visit him, including Thomas Edison.

Eiffel Tower 3
Eiffel Tower 3

5- The monastery of Mont Saint Michel was once used as a prison

Mont Saint Michel Monastery
Mont Saint Michel Monastery

Mont Saint Michel is located in the Normandy region of France, 8. it was built as a place of worship in the XVII century. 18. during the French Revolution, which took place in the XVIII century, it was converted into a prison called the Bastille des Mers.

Mont Saint Michel Monastery 2
Mont Saint Michel Monastery 2

The prison was closed by Napoleon in the following years with the efforts of Victor Hugo, who always defended the importance of preserving and restoring historical monuments.

Mont Saint Michel Monastery 3
Mont Saint Michel Monastery 3

6- Only one monarch has been born and died at Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace

VII. Edward
The Royal Family, as is known, has been residing in Buckingham Palace for many years.

Buckingham Palace 2
Buckingham Palace 2

But only one monarch was born and ended his life in this magnificent palace. The monarch in question is Philip VII, who succeeded his mother Victoria in 1901. It’s Edward.

Buckingham Palace 3
Buckingham Palace 3

7- The Pantheon has been standing for centuries, although it has not been strengthened


The Pantheon, located in Paris, is one of the most visible ruins of ancient Rome, along with the Colosseum.

Pantheon 2
Pantheon 2

The structure, which attracts attention with its enormous dome, proves the durability of the concrete used at that time. Because the Pantheon is one of the rare structures that have survived invasions, the arrival of modernity and the destruction of nature. The secret lies in the content of the concrete mortar: a mixture of limestone and volcanic ash.

Pantheon 3
Pantheon 3

8- The Trevi Fountain was funded by the lottery

Trevi Fountain
Trevi Fountain

One of the points that tourists do not pass without seeing in Rome, which is home to many historical monuments, is the Trevi Fountain. Although the fountain’s first construction dates back to the ancient Roman period, the detailed sculptures that decorate it date back to the 18th century. it was added in the XIII century. The interesting thing is that these sculptures are funded by lottery.

Trevi Fountain 2
Trevi Fountain 2

Designed by the architect Nicola Salvi, the sculptures were designed by Pope Pius XII. When he was liked by Clemens, the Pope came up with such an idea in order to solve the financing problem.

Trevi Fountain 3
Trevi Fountain 3

9- Religious leader of the Grand Mosque of Paris, 2. He saved the lives of more than 500 Jews in World War II

Grand Mosque Of Paris
Grand Mosque Of Paris

The Holocaust, in which close to 6 million people were massacred, is perhaps the most traumatic event in modern European history. Did you know that Kaddour Benghabrit, the first religious leader of the Grand Mosque in Paris, saved the lives of more than 500 Jewish people during this period?

Grand Mosque Of Paris 2
Grand Mosque Of Paris 2

Benghabrit, who confirmed that they were Muslims by giving fake Muslim identities to Jews, also ensured that hundreds of people hid in underground cemeteries under the mosque, allowing them to cling to life.

10- The leaning of the Leaning Tower of Pisa is decreasing

Leaning Tower Of Pisa
Leaning Tower Of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy is a structure that attracts a lot of attention by tourists due to its oblique structure. The restoration work of the structure, which is known to be tilted due to the soil difference in its foundation, began in 1992.

Leaning Tower Of Pisa 2
Leaning Tower Of Pisa 2

As a result, it was determined that the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which was straightened by 45 cm, has straightened itself by another 4 cm since that day.

Leaning Tower Of Pisa 3
Leaning Tower Of Pisa 3

11- The official name of the clock tower in England is not Big Ben

Big Ben
Big Ben

London is home to some of the most important architectural monuments in history. The best example of this is the clock tower near the parliament building, known as Big Ben.

Big Ben 2
Big Ben 2

But what if we say that Big Ben is not actually the real name of the tower? The official name, which for quite a long time was only “Clock Tower”, was changed in 2012 to Queen 2. It was renamed the “Elizabeth Tower” in honor of Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee. So the name of the tower was never officially “Big Ben”.

Big Ben 3
Big Ben 3

12- There were at least 30 trap doors in the Coliseum


Speaking of landmarks in Europe, not without mentioning the Colosseum. The Colosseum, built during the Flavian dynasty and opened during the reign of Emperor Titus, continues to be one of the focal points of tourism, attracting thousands of tourists to it every year.

Coliseum 2
Coliseum 2

Although the Colosseum has lost its glory now due to vandalism and Decadent centuries, it was a complete architectural marvel centuries ago. In October, in addition to the seating capacity for thousands of spectators, there were at least 30 trap doors for special effects and events.

Coliseum 3
Coliseum 3

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